Thursday, 24 June 2010

New Links Womens Group

New Links has been circulating the latest program for June & July. Please, join me next week while I deliver my first Qi Gong class to the group. I will need your ideas and feedback on what I wish to be a fun and yet very effective session.

Clare House 10, Hawthorn Avenue, E3 5PZ Bow
(Please, note that address might change from next October)

7th - Quilt Making.
14th - BBQ in Victoria Park.
Meeting 4pm at the Crown Gate West(weather permitting)
21st - Cinema. Meeting at Stratford Picture House at
28th - Qi Gong with Nat.

5th - Workshop in-Flower Arranging.
12th - Trip out to—SOUTH END.
19th - Swimming & Sauna.
26th - Trip Out- CLACTON-ON SEA.


3:30pm - Registration
4pm - One to One Coaching
4 - 6pm - Cooking Evening Meal
4 - 4:30pm - Pampering Session
4:30 - 5:30 - Workshop
5:30 - 6:30pm - Sharing Meal and cleaning up.
6:30pm - Group Feedback and Sharing Affirmation Cards.

Contact Information:
Priscilla - 07949489108
Maxine - 07950841196

Friday, 18 June 2010

Crisis Skylight Health Day

Tomorrow there is going to be another activity packed day at Crisis Skylight.
Healthcare professionals will provide health checks as well as information and advice on general health and well-being. Find my stall where I will be offering Indian head massage, Reiki healing and ear/hand reflexology.

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Visualizing the Cosmos Within by Deepak Chopra

Sit or lie comfortably with your eyes closed. Quiet your internal dialogue by observing your breath. After a few minutes put your attention on your heart. Visualize your heart as a pulsating sphere of light. In this sphere visualize two or three divine beings or archetypal energies.

Now visualize the rest of your body also as a body of light. Now slowly imagine this light body with its pulsating sphere of divine beings expanding so it fills the entire room in which you are sitting or lying.

Allow the expansion to occur beyond the confines of the room so that you are no longer in the room but in fact the room is in you. Continue the process of expanding your light body so that the entire city in which you lives exists in your being – the buildings, people, traffic, and countryside.

Continue to expand your sense of self to include in your physical being the state in which you live, your country, and ultimately the entire planet. Now see that the whole world exists in you – all the people, all other sentient beings, trees and forests, rivers and mountains, rainfall and sunshine, earth and water – these are different components of your being, just like different organs in your body.

Now quietly say to yourself, “I am not in the world; the world is in me.” Whatever imbalances you see in this world of yours, ask the divine being still dancing in your pulsating sphere of a heart to correct them. Ask these divine beings to fulfill any desire you have and to bring harmony, beauty, healing, and joy to the different parts of your cosmic self. Continue to expand your sense of self to include planets and moons, stars and galaxies.

Now say to yourself, “I am not in the universe, the universe is in me.” Slowly begin to diminish the size of your cosmic self until you can once again experience your personal body. Imagine trillions of cells in your personal body – all part of a dance, each cell an entire universe unto itself. Remind yourself that your true being inhabits all these levels of creation. Express your gratitude to these archetypal energies.

Now just remain sitting or lying quietly, feeling all the sensations in your body. After two or three minutes, open your eyes.

Adapted from The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire, by Deepak Chopra (Three Rivers Press).

About Me.

In my 37th year, but only for a few more months :)
I developed my interest in the Healing therapies in 2004 when, after posing as a case study for a friend Reiki training, I decided to learn the technique for myself.

Once gained Reiki stages I & II my curiosity got tickled. I got hooked in finding out about the different therapies practised and dedicated as much time as I could to learning bits by bits.

In 2006 I achieved an ITEC diploma in Anatomy and Physiology, while in 2007 I completed a City & Guilds Diploma in Holistic and Complementary therapies which includes Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Holistic and Indian head massage, and working in a spa.

In 2009 I have trained in Chair massage and Chinese Acupressure learning and integrating new, for me, concepts of TCM -Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Last April I completed a Diploma in medical Qi Gong and I am currently studying Auricular Acupuncture. I cannot see the end of all of this yet, since I am enjoying enormously the whole learning journey, while gaining great benefit from the practice.

Ditch the meds and learn to heal yourself and others is my advice.

THINK event.

A brief reminder about tomorrow Thursday 10 June: THINK is having an event in York Hall, Bethnal Green, 2.30 pm – 6.30 pm, Your Health Your Say.
While you can come along to express your concerns or your ideas about health and social care in our borough, you may wish to visit me at the holistic corner.
I'll be offering Indian head massage, hand and/or ear Reflexology and Reiki healing.
Come early to book your slot ;)

Stress Free Mode goes online!

Welcome Everyone!

Thank you very much for visiting the new Stress Free Mode blog.
I opted for this choice as it will allow me to keep an orderly track of both my activities in the Holistic world and my commitment to continuing professional development.
Please leave your comment or get in touch if you wish to get more information about me where I work and what therapies I practice.
Looking forward to hearing from you!