Friday, 31 December 2010

End of the Year!!!

Twothousandandten is at the door, making its way out!!!
It has been a very interesting year from my point of view:
lots to do, lots to learn, lots to plan...and lots more!!!
My latest rewarding experience for the year was offering
some hours of work for the Crisis Christmas celebrations.
I am certainly not fond of the superficialities that Christmas is all about these days and I had actually been thinking about volunteering for the season a long time ago. Well, I turned up to make the final decision just a few days before the holidays actually started. I dropped by at the Crisis Head office and enquired about any possibility of doing whatever was needed washing up, cooking...but surprisingly I was told that the recruitment procedure had already closed a few weeks back.

I thought: wait a minute, I am sure that there will never be too many therapist offering a healing back rub or pampering some smelly or not feet... How could that go wrong? In fact it didn't take much to get in touch with a few of the people in charge of the activities and there, a little gap was made available for me to contribute in.

Work at the Rough Sleepers, the first centre I got allocated to, situated in the UEL premises in the Docklands, made available to Crisis especially for this occasion, has been a very "touching" experience. With a sleeping area that made me think of the sleeping arena of wounded soldiers in a remote land, actually a bit Sci-fy background with some of the Docks landscapes and the frozen and slippery roads all around it after the recent snowfalls. I have had the chance to meet very amazing people and heard some impressive stories that I feel very honoured for having those shared with.

The best present I got out of the experience was that while offering my time, my listening ears and my not judgemental self to such invaluable cause, I felt not just overwhelmed by a reality that too often goes forgotten if not ignored, but refreshed and revitalised by the idea that there are still so many good causes worth to invest time and energy in rather than worrying in building the most impressive Christmas tree of the neighbourhood or trying to cook the most terrific meal for the big DAY!
Oh, yes...I have still enjoyed my own cooked meals these days without running the risk of overeating nor putting half ounce on ;)

Wishing you the very best for the NEW YEAR!!!

Sunday, 12 December 2010

New Links Womens Group

The last appointment at the New Links Womens Group for this year will be on Monday the 20th of December. Massage will be offered between 4 and 6 pm, but during the afternoon the ladies will be doing a flower arrangement workshop, last bit of Christmas touch. After the Christmas break the group will meet again regularly every Monday 4-6.45 from the 10th Jan 11.

A brief reminder that the group has recently moved to use the facilities at The Methodist Church. See details to follow:

New Links Womens Group
@ Bow Methodist Church
1 Merchant Street,
Bow, London E3 4LY
(Corner of Bow Road and Merchant Street)
It's about five minutes walking from Mile End tube station.

Contact Information:
Priscilla - 07949489108
Maxine - 07950841196

Comments about Stress Free Mode.

I have been receiving several comments since starting this blog and I really appreciate those of you that have been encouraging me. Thank you for all the support!!!

However I have received some spam messages and some other ambiguous ones that I don't reckon need to be displayed. I find all the anonymous ones a bit suspicious and I would rather invite you to sign with a name if you really care to comment on either a post or any particular issue.

If you rather wish to contact me directly you can email me directly (e-mail address available on my Profile Page ) or you might comment on any post (I moderate comments before sharing them publicly, let me know if you rather keep it confidential).

Obviously you could meet me and have a chat at Emma for Beauty, 345 Bethnal Green Road, every Wednesday and occasionally on other days of the week, depending on bookings taken.

Concluding I would like to invite you to share any thought or critic you might have about the blog. I am aware that I should be dedicating some more time to improve the content and that's certainly on my to-do-list.