I don't think I have been lazy lately, but this is only my third post in the year for this blog. The fact is that I have been very busy building a new relationship (Love Heals!), taking photography more seriously and of course updating my skills in the complementary healing field.
Over the Summer I have taken the Facial Acupuncture training at the Yuan Clinic & Traditional Medicine College, in Colliers Wood. After the experience I felt inspired to continue training till I perhaps complete the full acupuncture qualifications one day. Started with the ears, now face, there are three other micro-systems currently taught at the college. They are all so powerful and effective as the full body treatment, with perhaps the advantage that clients can simply stay sat on a chair: no need to undress or lie on a couch if there isn't one available.
John Tindall is a highly knowledgeable teacher and practitioner. He has been the Chairperson of NADA (National Acupuncture Detoxification Association) in the past for several years and his Traditional Chinese Medicine practice is enhanced by the fusion with Shamanic and Latin/Native American traditions. I recently took part to one sweat lodge organized in the countryside and the experience was deeply healing.
John's regular Qi Gong classes are also very powerful and somehow mystic when you manage to tune-in the flow. I very often prefer to practice Qi Gong on my own and at my preferred time, but attending a lesson is a real treat, which I recommend to all advanced and beginner students.
Yuan Clinic & Traditional Medicine College