Sunday, 8 June 2014


Ever heard about Hypopara? If you are in my circle of Friends & Family, or in the circle of another sufferer, chances are that you possibly know what I am talking about, even if vaguely.

The full name of this condition is hypoparathyroidism. Because of the "thyroid" bit in it, many people mistake the condition for hypothyroidism, and I don't mean only common folks. Even GPs and other health professionals that are not familiar with the condition, regularly misname the two conditions.

Thyroid and parathyroids glands are part of the endocrine system, although the very similar name and close position to each other, they don't directly work together. They cover however important roles in hormone production.

Anterior and posterior neck view

Hypoparathyroidism is a rare endocrine disorder in which the parathyroid glands are unable to produce enough parathyroid hormone. This leads to a low concentration of calcium in the blood.
A difficult condition to manage, hypopara is still being studied and researched on, and a proper treatment needs to be found.

On the 1st of June every year the Hypopara community celebrates World Hypopara Awareness Day, to raise awareness of this rare disease.

I personally have been experiencing this debilitating condition since 2007, following thyroid surgery for papillary carcinoma. It has not been an easy ride ever since, but thanks to discovering the Hypopara Family in 2014, a mutual patients support group, I have been learning important tips on how to manage the condition the best way possible.

Thanks to the fast speed Science is progressing these days, we all hope and look forward  for an effective treatment will be found soon. Keeping fingers crossed and hoping for the best 🍀🍀🍀

To find out more about parathyroids issues check out

Thursday, 3 April 2014

IBS Awareness Month

On a continuation note to the previous post about beneficial Spring detox, it is good to be aware about Irritable Bowel syndrome too, and April is the Awareness month for this frequent condition. 

Many people suffer several typical IBS symptoms, yet are not even aware of this condition and that their nutrition is what's causing them nuisances.

Having a look at several websites that discuss the condition I found it confusing seeing the variety of material suggested around diet and nutrition. Many schools teach conflicting theories and the food industry seems too often the only winning part.

It is fundamental to pay close attention to personal reaction to foods, as we are all different form each other and each of us have different needs.

Back to IBS awareness we need to consider that in addition to the physical symptoms, IBS can also affect our mental health trigging emotional symptoms such as:
  • Mood swings
  • Hopelessness
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
The mind–body connection is very strong and some scientists call the gut the ‘second brain’ because it is filled with neurotransmitters we usually associate with being in the brain. The connection between gut and brain is therefore much closer than we think, that’s why they can affect each other so much. 

Physical symptoms of IBS can trigger strong emotions the same way that anxiety can trigger the onset of symptoms such as constipation, cramps or diarrhoea. 

This leaves us to work out how to alleviate the symptoms through diet and identifying triggers in our lifestyle, and we'll benefit both physically and emotionally. 

More information about IBS can be found on IBS Network site

Sunday, 23 March 2014

Spring Detox

It's always time for a good detox, but if our skin and hair look dull and we feel overall slow and heavy our body is demanding it.

I have personally just started a detox that combines two types of diets: the gluten-free and the mucusless diets; plenty can be found online in regards to the benefits of each of these.
After just a few weeks into the new diet, my waistline has reduced, making my tummy look flat without much effort- weight-loss was not my aim, but hey, why not! - my skin is also looking much clearer.

Having to cut off on bread, pasta and some grains has certainly instilled curiosity and creativity in my cooking habits. I have been introducing some foods in my diet, such as amaranth and buckwheat, which I hardly used before and I love quinoa and considering baking my own bread.
I opt for natural alternatives, rather than gluten-free varieties of commercially produced foods.
Here a list a varied noodles alternatives
There is plenty of natural and not labelled/packaged foods and ingredients: lets enjoy the abundance!

Helpful foods for a spring cleanse are usually:
  • Easy to digest
  • Alkaline
  • High water content
  • High fiber content
  • Nourish cleansing systems or organs
  • Full of antioxidants
  • Full of anti-inflammatories

1.  Lemons are the detox fruit, containing lots of vitamin C which helps convert toxins into a water-soluble form that’s easily flushed away.
  • Your liver is your largest cleansing organ, and it loves lemons!
  • They are the most alkaline forming food.
  • Main ingredient of Master Cleanse (Lemonade Diet).

  • 2. Spinach is rich in Anti-Cancer and Anti-inflammatory antioxidants.
    • Good source omega 3 fatty acids.
    • Alkalises the body.

    3. Radishes: The sulphurous mustard oil in radishes stimulates the circulation system as well as the liver and kidneys to help with a detox.
    • Great for the skin because of high sulphur, silicon and vitamin C content.
    • A good source of fibre.

    • 4. Pineapple helps cleanse and tone the pores in your lungs, which directly affect the elasticity of your lung sacs.
      • Contains the enzyme bromelin, which helps expel intestinal worms from your lung pores.
      • The bromelain is great for digestion.
      5. Artichokes are wonderful food for the liver and the gallbladder.
      • They help detox harmful chemicals.
      • Lowers high blood pressure.
      6. Nettles are a super detox food that strengthens the liver, adrenal glands and kidneys.
      • Rich in minerals
      • Can ease seasonal allergy symptoms
      • The stinging parts are destroyed during cooking.

      • 7. Green tea helps flush toxins out of the system with antioxidant catechins, which increase liver function.
        • Is full of polyphenols which produce extra heat in the body and burn calories so you can lose weight.

        8. Green Peas can be digested easily and eliminated efficiently.
        • Provide useful vegan protein to substitute for heavier proteins.
        • Rich in anti-oxidents including flavinoids, carotenoids,  phenolic acids and polyphenols

        9. Fresh coriander leaves have been clinically proven to remove mercury.
        This healing herb:
        • Lowers blood sugar.
        • Lowers bad cholesterol.
        • Improves eye health.

        10. Celery has anti-cancer compounds.
      • Active phthalides relax artery walls to reduce blood pressure.
      • Is a negative calorie food.
      • The high fiber assists colon cleansing and weight loss.
      • proven to protect liver cells from the damaging effects of alcohol and other toxins.
      • Are a good source of easy to digest protein.

        • 11.  Sesame seeds are full of amino acids called methionine and tryptophan, which helps the liver and kidneys to function and detox effectively. 

          12. Turmeric is a powerful antioxidant that increases anti-inflammatory enzymes in the liver.
        • Turmeric powder has powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties.
        • Improves Phase II liver detoxification. Reduced Phase II detoxification is associated with environmental sensitivities, fibromyalgia and CFS.
        • Helps detoxify the blood.

        • 13. Cabbage activates detoxifying enzymes in the liver.
          High content of vitamin C and sulphur in cabbage removes toxins.
          • Helps keep blood pressure low because of its high potassium content by opening up blood vessels.

          Coming soon to a lawn or a garden near you! Dandelion roots and leaves feed the liver and help assist cleansing.

          14.  Dandelions are a powerful food to detox the liver.
        • Coming soon to a lawn or a garden near you! Dandelion roots and leaves feed the liver and help assist cleansing.
        • Stimulates the digestive juices, helping the digestion of fats.
        • Contains 48 substances that support your body to detox naturally.
        • Dandelion greens are best in the spring before they get too bitter in the summer.
        • My own story how detoxing saved my life.

        • 15.  Citrus Fruits are high vitamin C needed to make glutathione which feeds liver.
        • Reduces mucous.
        • High amounts of pectin which is good for cleansing.

        • 16. Asparagus helps cleanse the kidneys, and reduce water retention.
        • Contains inulin which promotes the growth and activity of friendly bacteria in the intestines making it difficult for unfriendly bacteria to grow.
        • Food highest in glutathione, an important anti-carcinogen.

        • 17.  Garlic: Antibacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-cancer, garlic can clearly be named a powerfood.
        • Garlic contains specific antioxidants and substances that play an important role in natural detoxification.

        • Also: Raw veggies are highly alkalizing and high in fiber, which helps cleanse the colon. Plus high sulphur vegetables (onions, carrots, artichoke, asparagus, kale, and beets) helps the liver detoxify harmful chemicals.

          Read more: