Thursday, 21 June 2018

World Peace and Prayer Day - 21st June

Sri Yantra: “The Symbol of all Creation”

The pace of modern Life seems to have taken a course of its own. With twists and turns, distractions and attractions, we do seem at a never-ending line of consecutive crossroads, that very easily take us off our path or pre-planned destination.. 

Who's left driving, in charge? who's going to reduce, if not stop, the exhaustion of natural resources, the over-consumption and accumulation of 'things'? the polluting of our land, water and air? the abuse on animals and fellow human beings?

We really need to pause, now more than ever, take responsibility and share the awareness that healing is in our hands, our actions and future plans.

21st June is the Summer Solstice in the Northern 
hemisphere, a time said to be powerful to pray for peace and harmony among all Living Beings. 

Grandmother Earth’s gifts; the air, water, plant, animal, and rock nations must be allowed to heal if we wish to live in harmony with Her and preserve it for future generations. 

"May Peace Prevail On Earth"...with no further delay.

“Each of us is put here 
in this time and this place 
to personally decide 
the future of humankind. 
Did you think the Creator 
would create unnecessary people 
in a time of such terrible danger? 
Know that you yourself 
are essential to this World.” 

- Chief Looking Horse