Monday, 9 August 2010

Tips for relieving stress.

Learning how to relieve stress, and practising methods to manage them are critical for your overall health and happiness. Try to learn to accept what you can't change. Not everything is going to happen the way you want it to. Train yourself to look for the good in what appears to be a bad situation, talk to others about your troubles, and try to mentally remove yourself from the situation then evaluate it from the outside looking in.
  • Focus on your breathing and breathe slowly, deeply and deliberately. Picture a peaceful scene in your mind or a special place you might have visited.
  • Exercise regularly. Exercising releases tension from your body. Find something you enjoy that gets the major muscle groups going: jogging, walking, swimming or bicycling are all excellent choices. Alternatively you could take up a dancing class.
  • Count to ten slowly and deliberately. This helps you to pause and relax before reacting to a stressful situation.
  • Do some stretching exercises several times during the day. Stretching relaxes the muscles and reduces tension.
  • Have a friend massage the back of your neck, shoulders and upper back. These muscles get especially tense when you are stressed.
  • Use essential oils to enhance your mood: in your bath, on your pillow or use them with a oil burner (be very careful though, do not abuse with them as they might intoxicate you if use them excessively).
  • Take hot showers or baths.
  • Listen to relaxing music.

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