Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Loving the transformation process.

As we are approacchint the end of the Summer and Autumn Equinox it's time to talk back about about transformation and time of change.

Here I am going to share an easy to follow list created by Cate Mackenzie, a formidable and very inspiring woman that teaches and guides thousands of people towards improving their lives and achieving the most wanted goals.

I have met Cate several years ago, and her positive and uplifting energy stays fresh and vibrant anytime I think about her. You can follow Cate, sign up to her newsletter and join her workshops catemackenzie.com and you'll surely attract more love, beauty and positivity to your life.

Tips to staying open to loving new beginnings 

1 Anchor yourself!
What are your anchors? List them and anchor yourself daily. Anchoring is about earthing and grounding yourself so you feel safe and this allows you to move in new directions. Examples of anchors could be morning pages, healthy eating, exercise, meditation, phonecalls, coaching, therapy, nature.

2 Write and talk about your visions. It can really help to move beyond a block by holding a peaceful loving vision of what you really want. By taking yourself into a beautiful vision it can support the movement to go beyond your fear.

3 If you are struggling with feeling split between two parts of you that feel as if they want different things, put your hands out and hold each part in each hand and gently bring the hands together in a prayer position and then pull your hands into your heart and feel how that feels.

4 If you are feeling that you have a fear or block about new beginnings then start with honouring that fear and acknowledge it so that you surrender to having it. For example I surrender to having a fear of loss. Then once you have done this and acknowledged the fear of loss then surrender the fear of loss. The two stages are I surrender to having the fear, then I surrender the fear. It is very powerful.

5 If you are worried in any way about new beginnings then hold your hands again in front of you and imagine holding a ball of light and that this ball of light is a solution to whatever it is you need. You do not need to know what the solution is but by holding it you have intended that it exists and it will now come in. And you may be surprised how quickly it does!

6 Have fun, slow down and allow yourself to be. This can allow the new love or new work or new feelings of joy to come in even without you noticing. List what you love and have fun each week.

7 Clear any clutter that you can so that your home is peaceful.

8 Write a daily gratitude list, it provides instant transformation into the positive.

Sunday, 28 August 2011

Planetary Influences

Time for ourselves...here it comes!
A New Moon is entering the sky.

It is so good and important to stop and inspect what's going on inside ourselves every so now and then. Good to hear that the Planets are going to seize us naturally helping in this task that we might otherwise overlook.

Time passes by fast sometimes that we don't even realise how we might have changed or how events might have affected us, either way positively and/or negatively, changing our beliefs, behaviours and attitude towards life. Sometimes are small changes that we don't even notice, nor take into consideration. Other times they sign the beginning or the end of a path in our lives.

Noticed any recently? Time to pay attention :)

Wishing you the transformation and changes you wish in your life!

Read here: Astrology: Planet Jupiter Goes Retrograde

Friday, 29 July 2011

Global Meditation Flash Mob

I was sooo pleased for being invited to the Global Meditation Flash Mob at the very last minute on Wednsday. This is an event co-ordinated by Wake Up London with over other 80 cities worldwide; it takes place once a month, on the last Thursday of the month. Will try to make it a regular because it was such a great experience.

The intention of the movement is to expose the world to meditation and expand positivity to every walk of life. Previously spots such as Trafalgar Square and Covent Garden have been picked for this act of gentle love creation.


1. To create an environment for people from all walks of life to come together in meditation.

2. To spread awareness of meditation to the public.

3. To come together as a community to send positive intentions out into the world.

4. To show that leading by example is the best way to lead. Simple acts can stimulate major paradigm shifts in thinking


Friday, 24 June 2011

Health Day @ Skylight

It's time for another Health Day at Crisis Skylight, tomorrow from 12pm to 5pm.

Complementary therapies are always very popular and the booking sheet gets filled up straight away.
You need to get there early if you wish to have a go to a bit of pampering  :)

I will also run a Qi Self Massage workshop at 3.30pm to shake off stress and tension. It's going to be fun!

Where? 66 Commercial Street, London, E1 6LT Tel: 0300 636 1967 

Crisis is the national charity for single homeless people, dedicated to ending homelessness by delivering life-changing services and campaigning for change.

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

FHT updates

Here you will find the link to access the FHT directory. 
E2 postal code will allow you finding my page :)
It is not so immediate I know, but this is the way
their website was designed...wrongly to my point
of view....

Friday, 20 May 2011

Deaf Awareness Week.

I am aware that I am late in mentioning the "Deaf Awareness Week", however I am sure that it will still be beneficial to share a few lines in regards.

Deaf Awareness Week will be mentioned at the New Links Womens Group on Monday the 23rd.
I will be running a little workshop where basic BSL (British Sign Language) will be learned and practised
We have done some BSL in the past at the group and both the mothers and the kids loved it.Perfect time for a retake.

When and where?
Monday, 23rd May 4-6pm (dinner will follow)
New Methodist Church, Merchant Street, Mile End

 Deaf Awareness Week 2011
Monday 2nd to Sunday 8th May 
The aim is to improve understanding of the different types of deafness by highlighting the many different methods of communication used by deaf, deafened, deafblind and hard of hearing people, such as sign language and lipreading.
  • ·         Do you know any Deaf person?
  • ·         What are the types of Deafness?
  • ·         Name different ways to communicate
  • ·         How do deaf and deafblind communicate?
  • ·         Ways to ease communication with a deaf person

« Top Tips at work.
1) Face the person you are talking to.
2) Repeat things they have missed.
3) Email them notes of meetings.
4) Think carefully about conference calls.       

« Top Tips for deaf children.
1) Don't get hung up on communication.
2) Let them enjoy their childhood.
3) Include them in games and fun.
4) Explain what's going on.

« Top Tips for home.
1) Have a rule that subtitles are always on.
2) Always say who is on the phone.
3) Include everyone at the table in the conversation.
4) Never say: "I'll tell you later" or "It doesn't matter".

         Remember to use the three R's 
when a deaf person can't understand you:
    Repeat, Rephrase and/or wRite it down.

Friday, 22 April 2011

Daniel Reid Interviewed

Tofu is “deadly.”
Diet coke and cellphones will kill you.
That’s according to American-born health professional and author Daniel Reid. The Australia-based 58-year-old, whose childhood was spent in Africa and has spent most of his life in Asia, is a passionate believer in the concept of “you are what you eat” and urges people to fast to eliminate toxins and restore themselves to optimal health. Reid, who has just published his latest book, The Tao of Detox, spoke to The Bali Times’ managing editor, William J. Furney

Friday, 15 April 2011

Release Stress and Pain

I need to shake off Winter stiffness out of me...
This seems the perfect drug :)
Deepak Chopra is visiting London next month, by the way
Hiis workshop is SOLD OUT of course!
Lets capture the vibes of his vicinity at least...

We rely on our bodies to tell us when we are in pain, and the body, like the mind, follows familiar patterns. Hypochondriacs, for example, grasp the first sign of discomfort as a clear message that they are seriously ill.
In your own case, you are also taking familiar sensations and using them to confirm your suffering. Many depressed people, for example, will interpret fatigue as depression. Because they haven’t gotten a good night’s sleep or have been overworked on the job, they interpret feeling depleted as a symptom of depression.

Sunday, 20 February 2011

Joining Hands in Health

"JOINING HANDS IN HEALTH launched its online petition The Nation Speaks - "NO! Not In My Name" in May 2010. Our aim is to stop the EU Food Supplements Directive from becoming law in the UK in April 2011… in the hope of protecting the nation from a lifetime of perpetual ill-health; safeguard consumer choice, human & animal rights, cultural heritage and the environment. Plus secure a safer, healthier life for generations to come."

SIGN this important petition TODAY and join those, like you that care for the safeguard of the future for generations to come as much as the present day.


Sunday, 16 January 2011


I like the feeling of the New Year and its sense of renewal. Time to drop what belongs to last year, that no longer needs to follow us and allow some NEW that will keep our attention glued to in a fun and fulfilling way.

We normally set the long, hard to keep, resolutions list, and no matter how much we actually commit to them some MUST materialise in any case. Don't you agree? Unless there is something wrong with us ;o)

In the last few years I decided to avoid making the usual long list (the good girl I am, I've stopped smoking, alcohol consumption, regular caffeinated drinks, reduced sugars and refined) and carefully select the new or adjusted things that I wish to let in, in my life. As I am learning to be more disciplined in my lifestyle, being more selective has helped me in getting more satisfaction in the things I accomplish, and feel less frustrated for the things I don't manage to fit in. Blame it on London that buzzing as it always does, it's a constant turn on to the most disparate directions!

So for this New Year I aim to keep on feeding my learning cravings, but also wish to travel more (2010 was so static :( but it has allowed me to focus on building my business :) more studies and myself) and dedicate time for meaningful relationships.