Friday, 20 May 2011

Deaf Awareness Week.

I am aware that I am late in mentioning the "Deaf Awareness Week", however I am sure that it will still be beneficial to share a few lines in regards.

Deaf Awareness Week will be mentioned at the New Links Womens Group on Monday the 23rd.
I will be running a little workshop where basic BSL (British Sign Language) will be learned and practised
We have done some BSL in the past at the group and both the mothers and the kids loved it.Perfect time for a retake.

When and where?
Monday, 23rd May 4-6pm (dinner will follow)
New Methodist Church, Merchant Street, Mile End

 Deaf Awareness Week 2011
Monday 2nd to Sunday 8th May 
The aim is to improve understanding of the different types of deafness by highlighting the many different methods of communication used by deaf, deafened, deafblind and hard of hearing people, such as sign language and lipreading.
  • ·         Do you know any Deaf person?
  • ·         What are the types of Deafness?
  • ·         Name different ways to communicate
  • ·         How do deaf and deafblind communicate?
  • ·         Ways to ease communication with a deaf person

« Top Tips at work.
1) Face the person you are talking to.
2) Repeat things they have missed.
3) Email them notes of meetings.
4) Think carefully about conference calls.       

« Top Tips for deaf children.
1) Don't get hung up on communication.
2) Let them enjoy their childhood.
3) Include them in games and fun.
4) Explain what's going on.

« Top Tips for home.
1) Have a rule that subtitles are always on.
2) Always say who is on the phone.
3) Include everyone at the table in the conversation.
4) Never say: "I'll tell you later" or "It doesn't matter".

         Remember to use the three R's 
when a deaf person can't understand you:
    Repeat, Rephrase and/or wRite it down.

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