Thursday, 21 May 2020

World Meditation Day, 21 May 2020

It's World Meditation Day today.
A great opportunity to tuning into some positive vibes, if not feeling exactly there right now.

All around the World people are making the effort to raise global consciousness, coming together in prayer and meditation. Most of us can only do this in isolation at the moment, in a virtual way  behind screens, but the power of the intention is still amazingly strong for the self and the collective.

With all the chaos that is going on presently, due to the corona virus epidemic and the consequent challenging economic 
breakdown that many people are facing, the sense of reality is very confused; the future is looking uncertain for every single one of us.

With the negative load of news and shared fears, many people are getting caught up in these lower vibrations that can be as contagious as a virus, if not worse. On top of these, with the isolation caused by the lockdowns many people are suffering loneliness, which can easily fuel a depressive state.

Staying in such states intoxicate and weaken our immune system and will power further, if we don't take action.

Something we can do to control our emotional and vibrational states is to manage, or build up with discipline, our resilience in order to reach higher and positive emotions. When we remain in these higher frequencies our mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing will benefit: becomes a ward off against physical and emotional pain and also prevents severe illnesses.

According to the Hawkins Scale in the picture here, lower frequency emotions are those that often keep us in stagnating state: shame, guilt, apathy, fear, anger for example.
In lightening up our load and outlook of life we get the chance to expand, grow and thrive.

Bear with me, as I am certainly not a 100% Mrs Positivity. Having struggled (and still do) with depression and several chronic health conditions, I do have the experience of what it tastes like to be at the rock bottom, as I frequently have to re-visit it, during relapses and flare-ups.

Yet, being depression mostly an uncomfortable feeling, I often give 'thanks' to the difficult challenges I have to manage, as they offered me the chance of learning my lessons.
Obviously I wish to avoid finding myself rock bottom if I can, no matter how hard it is. 
There are good days and bad days for everybody.

An 'Enlightenment' state is a bit difficult, if not surreal to keep for 24/7, unless we choose to live life as a monk.
Remaining at the very rock bottom forever is also very unlikely; again a matter of choice.
No matter how successful a person is, we are all meant to have fluctuating events, moods, opportunities throughout life, and already accepting this is a great advantage to all of us.
An interesting take by Dr Demartini on the 'positivity' illusion can be viewed here

Learning to be aware about my own energy and how I can transmute it and transform it is a huge development in my life. I don't have all the answers, but I feel blessed for the little steps upwards I am recognising from my disciplined approach. 

Wishing everyone to find their ideal path 🙌💪🎇

Looking for a prayer to start or end any day?

"Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu"
(low-kaah'-ha suh-muh-staah'-ha soo-khee-no' bhuh'-vun-too)

What it means:

May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all.

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