
There are so many different therapeutic techniques. 
To follow there's a list of some of the ones I have been training and practising to date.
It's a long and interesting journey.


Massage is probably the oldest therapy known to people: it has been practised in the Far and the Middle East for at least 5000 years and the beneficial effects have been acknowledged for generations.

An ideal way to maintain good if not perfect health is to have a scented bath and an oiled massage everyday, but today's world hardly allows this. Constantly on the run and ready to capture outer stimulus, most of us forget about our core and essential needs of peace and tranquillity. 

Aromatherapy Massage

Aromatherapy Massage combines the healing and relaxing benefits of massage with the powerful effects of essential oils. Naturally obtained from plants their effects vary: some essential oils are calming, other energising making every treatment a unique experience. A personal blend is created every single time, according to the specific condition that the client wishes to target. The proprieties of the oils are released while being absorbed by the skin, entering the whole system and being transported via the tissue. The oils also work through the nose and the sense of smell: in this way messages are automatically sent to the brain. Aromatherapy is recommended for treating conditions such as anxiety, stress, insomnia, aches and pains and it can also improve circulatory and immune systems.


Reflexology has been used for centuries to help releasing blockages throughout the body. It works by applying a deep manipulation to the pressure points in the feet (or alternatively to the hands), which contain reflexes of all body organs.
It is the ideal treatment for a whole body balancing, energising and relaxing every organ and encouraging the homeostasis, which is the ability of the body to heal itself. Its effects will benefit the whole body, mind and spirit.

Holistic Massage

The benefits of holistic massage are for the mind and body and spirit.
While receiving stroking, kneading, rubbing and pressing movements the body releases the muscle fatigue accumulated and the tired and sore muscles relax dispersing blockages. The strokes aid lymphatic drainage, allowing the body to detoxify easily and dispose of the waste gently. Manipulation improves the tone of the skin, enhancing all its functions not only its appearance. Regular massage offers the ability of being more alert, perform better in our daily life and cope better in stressful situation, giving the opportunity to release accumulated physical and emotional tension.

Indian Head Massage

Indian Head Massage as the name suggests originated in India over a thousand years ago. The origin of shampoo comes from a Hindi word 'champi'. Being 'champi-ed' meant having your head massaged. It began as the way to keep long hair in beautiful condition-think about the lustrous, thick and strong black hair of an Indian lady- and has become a part of daily life.

Many of the conditions that this massage is beneficial for are:
easing headaches and stress;
helps deal with scalp and hair problems;
aids localised blood and lymphatic circulation;
relieves eye strain;
boosts the immune system;
relieves muscle tension;
helps restore joint movement.
This treatment is particularly good for people who are wheelchair bound or are partially immobile.

The beauty of head massage is you can have it almost anywhere - at home, work or in a salon. You can be clothed or unclothed, use oils, cream, powder or nothing.

Seated Acupressure

Seated Acupressure, also referred to as on-site or chair massage, has got some rots in the practice of Shiatsu: working on the meridian system, using thumbs, fingers, elbow and knuckle pressures to stimulate the acupressure points accessible on the back, arms, hands, neck, head and legs. Pressing and releasing on this points helps stimulating and balancing the flow of energy or life-force, which very often gets trapped throughout the body. The circulatory, muscular, nervous, immune and lymphatic systems get stimulated in the process and also promotes the release of endorphins, the 'feel good' hormones that reduce the sensation of pain and affect emotions. Clients are left feeling good in a relaxed, energised and focused frame of mind, surely more effective and beneficial that a coffee or cigarette break.

A treatment lasts 15-20 minutes, which makes it ideal for the busy workplace. Some of the advantages are:

Performed fully clothed
The specially designed chair allows extra comfort
Therapeutic and individual to each client
Proven to combat injuries
Proven to boost the immune system
An instant stress-reliever

Every office space can be transformed into a peaceful spa, using soft lights and tranquil music to create a relaxing environment.

Benefits of Seated Acupressure:
  • stimulates wellbeing and productivity
  • reduces work absenteeism
  • is time and cost effective
  • relaxes the body and mind and relieves stress
  • boosts the immune system and detoxifies the body
  • lowers blood pressure
  • treats muscular injuries of the back, shoulders, arms and neck
  • alleviates muscular aches and pains
  • prevents RSI (repetitive strain injury)
  • relieves headaches, eye-strain and sinus problems
  • is a great cure for insomnia
  • can change your life!

Qi Gong

Qi Gong has been practices for over 5000 years: it’s a Chinese health method that combines slow graceful movements with mental concentration and breathing to increase and balance a person’s vital energy. Qi Gong is an integral part of TCM - Traditional Chinese Medicine, along with acupuncture, acupressure, and herbal medicine. 

Qi Gong is especially effective in reducing stress, thereby enhancing the immune system and preventing illness. As such, it is a proven way to implement anti-ageing. Qi Gong shows people how to take more responsibility for their own health care and achieve benefits for their body, mind, and spirit. This is vitally important in our society in the face of declining health care services and options.

Pregnancy Massage 

Pregnancy massage has been found to reduce stress, decrease swelling in the arms and legs, and relieve aches and pains in muscles and joints of the expectant mother.
It's a popular complementary therapy during pregnancy for back pain, when choices for pain relief, such as medication, are often limited and better avoided.

During the treatment the benefit of massage will be experienced by both the mother and the fetus, which will respond to the relaxed state of the mother.

Not only can massage be physically beneficial, but the human touch can be comforting and provide emotional support during pregnancy. It is not recommend massaging in the first trimester. 

Essential oils are to be avoided during the first trimester. It’s safe to reintroduce rose, lavender, and chamomile during the second trimester, as long as they're diluted with twice the amount of carrier oil. Peppermint, rosemary, sage, and jasmine shouldn't be used at all at any stage of pregnancy.


Reiki is a Japanese healing technique that promotes relaxation and effectively reduces stress levels, bringing the body and mind back to equilibrium.

Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing that works by gentle hands-on or hand-off, according to client preference. It is a non-intrusive treatment since the client remains fully clothed, while the “Life force energy” is being channelled through the hands of the practitioner into the body and aura of the receiver via the chakras. 

This energy, which is within all of us, is sometimes disrupted by stress, illness or hectic life style. Reiki aims to restore vitality, balance and wellbeing. 

The Reiki Principles of Life

• Just for today, I will be calm.

• Just for today, I will find joy.

• I give honor to my parents, teachers and elders. 

• I earn my living honestly.

• I show gratitude to all living things


Ear Acupuncture  (Auricular Acupuncture)

Ear or auricular acupuncture has been used since the 70s in hospitals in the US. This has been usefully effective to control withdrawal symptoms in patients struggling with addiction (drugs, alcohol, smoking). Particularly useful in helping patients that genuinely wish to stop their drugs addiction, but find difficult coping with their cravings.

It is also very effective to bring a patient to a more focused and relaxed mode when undergoing talking therapies.

Normally 5 to 10 needles are inserted in specific points that aid detoxification of the body and link to the nervous system and primarily the main organs like the lungs, the kidneys and heart.

Treatment can last between 30-45 minutes and particularly in severe cases of addictions, can be repeated several times every time cravings come back until a sense of stability and control is achieved by the client.

NADA (National acupuncture Detoxification Association) is the major organisation that supports the practice of Auricular acupuncture.

Obviously there is no need of severe addictions to benefit of the positive effects of this technique and patient of any age can safely receive it.

Facial Acupuncture

Facial acupuncture is used primarily for cosmetic purposes, since production of collagen and elastine may be stimulated, skin is plumped up and circulation improves creating a lifting-like effect.

However with over 50 muscles around the whole face, neck and scalp, massage and acupuncture are excellent to stimulate and treat some of these areas that hardly move, or the movement is very limited. Think about the scalp for example.

The face also contains reflex points or nerve endings corresponding to body organs and parts, the treatment has high therapeutic effects and combines well combined with other techniques, such as ear, cranial acupuncture or hands and feet. Each micro-system can have tremendous effect as much as full body acupuncture.

The most important points of this techniques are however that the effects of the needles work on subsystems like the nose, the eyes (with some close references to iridology and the general reflex that correspond to body organs and the skeletal system).

A general improved sense of wellbeing can be experience right away and sign of relaxation in face lines can be noticed.

Hopi Ear Candling

Hopi Ear Candling is believed to originate from the Native American Hopi Indians of North Arizona. Hopi means ‘peaceful people’ and this reflexes the gentle and soothing effect achieved with this treatment. 

The therapy has a very calming and relaxing effect and helps clearing congestion and mucus from the ear and respiratory system and relaxing the mind. 

It is said that the candle can help easing ear wax conditions, however if clients are experiencing severe problems of this type, it's ideal to consult a doctor for proper medical wax removal.

Natural bee wax candles are normally used for the treatment; these can also be infused with essential oils to enhance the experience. A face or head massage are also highly recommended to complete the treatment, although it is very powerful on its own too.